Sample of a letter to supplier organization

Dear Partner,

We would like to develop our partnership skills and the way we offer and produce services. Our objective is to become a better partner who can offer added value and is good to work with.

For this reason, we would like you to evaluate our cooperation and partnership with you. This evaluation is confidential and organized by a third party consultant. At no point in time will we try to identify individual organisations or respondents. We will receive only a summary of the evaluation. We hope you can give critical feedback when necessary so that we can identify the areas where you feel we should develop in order to improve our partnership.

This survey has been sent to our top customers and we intend to perform this survey annually. You can answer on the Internet at by clicking Login. Please answer by 00.0.2004. All respondents will use the same username:

Username: xxxxxxxx
Password: xxxxxxxx

To guarantee maximum accuracy, we hope that the people responding would be the people in your organization who work with us or have worked with us. Please forward this message to those persons.

We also consider it to be beneficial if you, as our partner, would also start developing your own partnership ability and networking skills. The consultant responsible for this research uses evaluation methods and indicators that can help you analyze your current situation. This analysis can be used as reference material when developing your organization in the future.

For more information on this benchmarking process, see the. Internet site above.

Thank you for your time,

Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx

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